Nawile Rehab

Nawile Rehab
Rehabilitated deep water well in the village of Nawile, Jan. 12 2010

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

World Water Day – March 22, 2011 – A Perspective from Burkina Faso

"Dancing in the Sun"

In a dry and thirsty land, water is scarce this time of year where daytime temperatures are climbing into the 110-120 degree Fahrenheit range.  With traditional water holes drying up, deep borehole wells are becoming the only link to available water for villagers, and not just villagers but livestock as well.  Can you imagine having to share your water source with animals?  Tensions are running high as the wells are in great demand; people are crowding at the pumps all day long in their search for water and often at night when it is more dangerous.  Add to this, the hardship of when these wells break down resulting in great suffering among the people.

Living Water International, our partner for clean water projects, is making a difference one well rehab at a time.  Our national Christian team of water well repairers is bringing hope and renewal to villages like this one in Tambalan.  It is a remote area where water is scarce and deep; when there is water in the few hand dug wells it lies 100 feet below the surface.  But even those wells are dried up now.  Their deep well has been broken down since last year and so have their chances for obtaining clean water to drink.

Tambalan is a new territory where the gospel of Jesus is expanding among the Dagara.  Churches are planting churches at incredible rates as people are eager to hear the Word of God.  That is why this particular well rehabilitation in Tambalan was so important as it represented an opportunity to come alongside of a new church in the demonstration of the gospel of grace.

This well repair was not without difficulty as it took three separate trips to complete.  After the first and second attempt, when everyone expected water to flow, none did.  Was the problem with the materials or was the well incapable of producing adequate water? Heads were scratched, questions were asked, and solutions were offered. Interestingly, the village chief piped up with a solution. He said he would call the local witchdoctor to come sacrifice some chickens over the well.  Quickly the Christians responded saying, no, that was not necessary.  They would pray to God and wait.  And wait they did; for two more weeks until water was finally realized.  It is an awesome testimony to the faith of new Christians persevering under trials, praying through difficulty, and trusting God.

As clean, fresh water poured from the well once again all the people erupted with shouts of joy and thanks to God.  In the mid-day heat of the African plains they were dancing in the sun with sweat pouring forth from their brows.  Their hopes and trust in God had been realized and strengthened.

Listen to this new Christian's testimony at the well, Wingoul Hien, age 30, "Today in the name of the Lord Jesus, we have water now, fresh water, living water, that all the people of Tambalan can come and drink good, even the animals too.  As we give thanks for your work we will take the joy we have in our hearts and put it in the hands of God."

What a wonder to behold, the Dagara are breaking free from the darkness into the Light.  They are not just dancing in the sun, but they are dancing in the Son, Jesus Christ, their salvation and song!

Glory to God, Truly He Does All Things Well,
Geoffrey Richter

"The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." -- Isaiah 12:4-5